The name field for the worker_node_pools is not validated which will result in: ``` E0527 21:53:30.089025 1 hetzner_node_group.go:119] failed to create error: could not create server type cpx21 in region...
It would be great if there was a way to run post-install kubectl commands using the generated kubeconfig. Currently it can be performed with an external script so the priority...
https://github.com/hetznercloud/hcloud-cloud-controller-manager/blob/e2b0ed63f6cd5a7499d356bacd784ded41df5f2a/internal/annotation/load_balancer.go#L161 Isn't this supposed to be http-redirect-https? Most guides also say that it's http-redirect-https, but in the code itself it's http-redirect-http.
### TL;DR When creating a load balancer with kubernetes Service and deleting it via the panel, attempting to re-create it will result in an error. ### Expected behavior The load...
### Description When pushing an image including amazoncorretto (or eclipse-temurin) docker registry will return very random errors such as: 404 not found, 501 internal server error, but the image is...