Jonah Lawrence
Jonah Lawrence
The stats displayed on the card are directly from the GitHub API. The reason this may happen is possibly due to timezone-related issues. It seems from experimenting that the timezone...
I mentioned the issue to GitHub Support and they told me "all timestamps are in UTC and this is the expected behavior". If the ability to switch the timezone ever...
> I'm also having the same issue, How I can host the card by myself or how we can change it if I want to update the same? The issue...
@AaquibAli That's great! You just need to follow the steps above to add it and create a PR :+1:
@AaquibAli Feel free to ask if you have any questions
It seems to be green is when it is updating the number and red is when you are hovering over it.
> How do you create this dictionary.txt? Do you first make a list of symbols in .tex and then convert it to .txt, or some other algo? @adi-mohan The original...
@adi-mohan The project is very simple. There are not really any LaTeX symbols involved, but rather I have taken Unicode characters that look like LaTeX symbols (for example [∑ sum](
@andrewasche It's there already (Ctrl+F exists by the way)
@yash2002109 You've made a couple contributions today, maybe it would be best to allow others to make their first contributions as well?