Dennis Heimbigner
Dennis Heimbigner
I am not sure what you are asking for. If you close the file, then the cookie file should be reclaimed. If you are not calling nc_close, then you need...
The relevant sequence of calls is this: ```` NC_authclear libdispatch/dauth.c:176 occlose oc2/ocinternal.c:274 oc_close oc2/oc.c:85 NCD2_close libdap2/ncd2dispatch.c:1806 nc_close libdispatch/dfile.c:1291 ```` but I confess I cannot see why this sequence is failing...
We have avoided being signal sensitive because it can interfere with programs and libraries that use netcdf-c. I think your best bet is to stick with setting .dodsrc.
Thanks for the catch.
As an aside; what about other formats (now and in the future) that uphold the netcdf-4 data model, but do not use HDF5: NCZarr, for example. There,both enddef and redef...
It is worth remembering the nc_endef internally is necessary as a specific point at which certain decisions are made about values used to write variables and attributes. In some cases,...
Removing it as I recall causes other problems with other versions.
I am trying to remember what caused the problem. I think it has to do with the autoconf running on ubuntu 18
Your json analysis is correct. I wanted it to be possible to build the nczarr adjunct wrapper code so that it did not need access to libnetcdf. Also, I wanted...
Yes,I am following a similar path by using a macro that gets redefined depending on the context. Hope to have a PR up soon.