Hi, I want to write my application using scrcpy as a basis, is there an api through some protocol? For example a socket or other network protocol
## 🐛 Bug report ### Current Behavior NodeJS crashes because Promise errors are handled using try...catch ### Reproducible example ```typescript import { Either, tryCatch } from "fp-ts/lib/Either"; function test(error: boolean):...
### Contact Details [email protected] ### What happened? Hello, your site does not open from a Russian IP address. By this you have blamed every Russian for the invasion that has...
### Basic information * On-premises: yes * Installation type: production * Kubernetes version: ``` Client Version: v1.29.2 Kustomize Version: v5.0.4-0.20230601165947-6ce0bf390ce3 Server Version: v1.28.6 ``` * Helm version: ``` version.BuildInfo{Version:"v3.14.0", GitCommit:"3fc9f4b2638e76f26739cd77c7017139be81d0ea",...
Hello Cursive Team, I'm currently working on a Rust application using the Cursive TUI library and I'm utilizing the SelectView for a form-like interaction within my application. The default behavior...
I run the following code: ssh.exec( 'sudo -S dd if=/mnt/storage/disks/other6 of=/mnt/storage/disks/other7', ['status=progress'], { execOptions: { pty: true }, stdin: '1234', onStdout(chunk) { console.log('stdoutChunk', chunk.toString()); }, onStderr(chunk) { console.log('stderrChunk', chunk.toString()); },...
For example ```bash su@debian:~$ sudo kexec -l kboot.bin su@debian:~$ sudo kexec -e ```
I would like to draw a login box using python. I copied the python and ran the script, but nothing was shown on the screen. ```python import npyscreen class TestApp(npyscreen.NPSApp):...