Dennis Ryazantsev
Dennis Ryazantsev
The same situation. I'm using Pixel 2 and this camera application
Okay, I found the problem function: `XposedHelpers.findAndHookMethod(callback, "onPictureTaken", byte[].class, android.hardware.Camera.class, new XC_MethodHook() {` As you can see the `android.hardware.Camera.class` is used for hooking. This is a deprecated class in modern...
> > Okay, I found the problem function: `XposedHelpers.findAndHookMethod(callback, "onPictureTaken", byte[].class, android.hardware.Camera.class, new XC_MethodHook() {` > > As you can see the `android.hardware.Camera.class` is used for hooking. This is a...