
Results 14 issues of DenTray

1. All type-related validation rules should be skiped 2. `required` validation rule should be skipped, it already mark field with `*` symbol 3. If there is no `required` or `present`...

type: enhancement
state: testing

Ability to set additional swagger docs in the config file to show it. Will be helpful for using packages which provides endpoints.

type: enhancement

We may parse custom `auth` annotation to define it in the final documentation.

As a first step of #66 we need to find a way to store the app version in the doc file instead of config, to be able to automate it

type: enhancement

It would be very helpfull to have an abulity to see chnages list between the each documentations change. On each save documentation - we may set some version to the...

After implementing an ability to set the global prefix we have next behaviour it would be better if we can remove grouping by global prefix

type: enhancement

How it should works: on documentation saving, we should compare the current saving documentation with the actual documentation content. If there is some changes between them: - actual documentation should...

- New config key should be added - Config version should be increased - On documentation saving directory should be created if not exists