
Results 8 issues of YiJun

`npm install --save-dev babel-plugin-transform-class-properties` change your plugin support it

Hi! friend.. am back... about autocomplete popuper ![screenshot from 2016-04-29 18-29-29](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/7436361/14913908/ca482fee-0e38-11e6-97f4-561006b4a585.png) and Vim ![screenshot from 2016-04-29 18-30-54](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/7436361/14913915/d2f795e4-0e38-11e6-82bd-0cac2556d0cb.png) Please add the small icon on complete popup~ I wish you can do...

✨ enhancement
➤ future

- Operating System: MAC OSX 10.14.6 - Node Version: 12.9.1 - NPM Version: 6.11.2 - webpack Version: 4.39.3 - sass-loader Version: **8.0.0** ### Expected Behavior **sass-loader 7.3.1 work correct!** build...

暗金装备和套装的描述都是各种 很偏个人观点,比如悲哀阳痿叉本来是没有丧钟时候的佣兵下位替代品,有些新人看到你的描述,不懂以为没用就直接卖了。 建议暗金的描述写的客观一点,很多东西只是大多数人不这么玩并不代表它没用等等

> Uncaught TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property 'data' of object '#' the bug this if you delegate event , with bind `data` object ``` div#a div#b: input(delegate) ```...

Needs reduced example

when the input bind `input` event like: `$(".father").on("input",".child",func)` Safari device not responding. see this page re-show the bug (example-2(two-way-data-binding): https://demoncloud.github.io/aix/#introduce

Needs confirm