wallet copied to clipboard
Censorship resistant democracies.
As we allow the ability to reduce the universe of voters to a subset based on jurisdiction, it must be mockuped how this will be expressed in the view of...
Some other error while voting: ``` TypeError: contract.tally is undefined at contract (meteor://💻app/imports/api/transactions/transaction.js:581:4) at _updateTally (meteor://💻app/imports/api/transactions/transaction.js:662:6) at transact (meteor://💻app/imports/ui/modules/Vote.js:478:19) at globalObj (meteor://💻app/imports/ui/templates/widgets/modal/modal.js:153:4) at Template.prototype.events/eventMap2[k]
Hey @paulamlb @santisiri @medied With @LucasIsasmendi we thought that it might be interesting to work on a pilot ready branch of Sovereign. The idea behing this would be to enable...
Changing my vote I get this exception: ``` TypeError: Cannot read property 'choice' of undefined at choice (meteor://💻app/imports/api/transactions/transaction.js:581:19) at _updateTally (meteor://💻app/imports/api/transactions/transaction.js:662:6) at transact (meteor://💻app/imports/ui/modules/Vote.js:478:19) at modalCallback (meteor://💻app/imports/ui/templates/widgets/modal/modal.js:153:14) at None (/packages/blaze.js:3775:20)...
Opening this up as a potential "epic" to streamline the work around creating a v2 for the delegation of votes. This [DropBox Paper file](https://paper.dropbox.com/doc/Delegating-v2-1nVfzza5x5OZMRwjtqIqT?_tk=share_copylink) contains all research towards accomplishing this...
The other day I've cloned the repository... I've created the account and realized: * there are very cool screenshots in the whitepaper * when starting on the platform everything is...
# This is a General Concern #### :tophat: Where is the blockchain part implemented (if it is there) and why bitcoin is mentioned everywhere and not other blockchain alternatives? I...
When I click logout from the popup, logout is successful but not handled smoothly. Loading icon stays stuck on what seems to be the main page. Transition could be more...
# This is a (Bug Report / Feature Proposal) #### :tophat: Description For bug reports: * What went wrong? Clicked on recover password link, type in email and hit submit,...
Once a proposal is launched cannot be listed for draft nor even accepted to be drafted by the system again.