Same on iPhone 4s
Guys, does Error via Email feature works from the box? Have you plans to release this?
Agree. It must have configurable thresholds. - Temperature - Online/offline - Fan speed - Hashrate - HW error rate
Good. I will try when board arrival. About 1 month. Also, found this board added to Marlin firmware.
Hi @dresco Ordered a BTT SKR 3 EZ board with EZ5160 PRO drivers. Its not good about debugging...
Great! My still on the road.
Hello. Board arrived. Can I do something for you?
@dresco Good news! Could you provide me list of task I can do? Similar: 1 - Connect TMC5160 (EZ my case) to board 2 - Connect USB Board - PC...
@dresco early we made successfull test TMC2209 and 5160 drivers with STM32H7. Will you merge changes to master branch?
You mean add dampfer or remove? I have one dampfer under motor mount