I can't confirm if it works at this point or not due to not being able to connect to the network. I can confirm though that wicd sees the network...
I did however notice this: so I assume it's possible.
Ah, that could be the issue. "wpa_cli status" shows I'm using a CCMP cipher, so AES in other words.
While I can't verify if it works or not in Linux at this point with my set up, I can verify it doesn't work with the Wii System menu, so...
I suppose it would help if I could write what I'm trying to say accurately. I'll try this again... In my installation of Debian Wheezy, I can get the Wii...
It seems almost like the Wii isn't shutting down properly. Not sure if it's related or not, but I've noticed that when I boot into MINI from BootMii with the...
It seems most of the communication is happening over on forums, so I'll close this for now. At some point when I have more time I'll do what I can...
OK, I'll reopen it then. It's just I won't have time to really look into this much till next week at the very least. I also made a note in...
I'll take a look at it during my final update in late September. I no longer have a Wii and have become too busy elsewhere to maintain these patches any...