Jakub Štiller
Jakub Štiller
Hello @pgrzesik, here are they: AWS CustomEmailSender documentation: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cognito/latest/developerguide/user-pool-lambda-custom-email-sender.html Javascript SDK (see updated `LambdaConfig`) https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/latest/AWS/CognitoIdentityServiceProvider.html#updateUserPool-property CloudFormation properties: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-cognito-userpool-lambdaconfig.html I am aware that there is only one configuration for `KmsKeyId` per...
@pgrzesik yes it is correct. I have to try setup `kmsKeyId` without `CustomSMSSender` or `CustomEmailSender` lambda, but it cannot be done. You have to setup `kmsKeyId` with one of the...
What about situation when somebody wants to update `kmsKeyId` to different value? Am I able to get somehow previous values from cloudformation stack? To check if its regular update or...
Ok agree, I will update PR to check that if user set both functions, he/she must set same `kmsKeyId`.
Hello sorry for delay, I will try to update MR next week.
Hello, I updated PR to warn user if he/she want to specify different `kmsKeyId` for same cognito user pool.
Hello, this MR has been sitting here for a long time. This feature would be great, as we have same use case as @julenpardo.
In fact, there is no problem with that. It would be just nice to have. Currently we do not have any use case for that. I think we may close...
Yes, I already did it. But it was kind surprise to me as there is no host/ip address setting, nor anything in documentation. So one would assume that the integration...