I would like to ask you same question as I have posted earlier on TEX.SE (since I got no answer, and the question is mainly about internal working of `PythonTeX`,...
Hello Mr. Cereda, I am trying to learn with datatool and its associate datatooltk to process data from .csv. or .xls files. When I found out, that datatooltk can be...
This adresses #114 . Its first pull request I have ever made, so hopefully I did not messed anything up. I know it is a whole bunch of files, which...
Hello mr. Tarleb, with your help, I have finished writing and testing filter that introduces non-breakable space before or after specific strings. If I would prepare informative `` and add...
Hello, I have encountered a small issue while trying out you FFI example when running python variant with python 3. It requires to declare a specific encoding in string output...