I have a small lua filter for inserting non-breakable spaces after specific prefixes, before dashes, etc ... This could simplify that filter workings to few regexes, opposed to checking for...
Also solved my problems with `tmux` plugins. Thank you very much for posting this.
The part about about "assembling temporary files" is little arcane to me. In `bash` support, there are `echo` commands, but as far as I know, in this form they are...
I have managed to write down basic support for `haskell` as such: ``` haskell_template = ''' import System.Directory import System.IO main = do setCurrentDirectory "{workingdir}" {body} putStrLn "{dependencies_delim}" putStrLn "{created_delim}"...
With `pandoc` there is already support for literate haskell in means of an extension. I think that there is no substantial difference between code execution or compilation of literate haskell...
Its alright, those are weird and complicated times. I was actually taking this issue as postponed from your previous comment. With your latest reaction, I am even more inclined to...
Hello Mrs. Talbot, thank you for your reply. Invoking command as you wrote from command prompt (or from Windows Power Shell) from project directory doesnt produce anything at all. No...
Hello Mr. Cereda! Sorry for my late reply. I actually took a friend of mine to help me to try to troubleshoot this. First, running command exactly as you wrote...
Hello Mrs. Talbot, thank you for your suggestion. My datatooltk.bat now contains: `@start java -Djava.locale.providers=CLDR,JRE -jar "%~dp0\..\lib\datatooltk.jar" %* ` If that is correct, I am still stuck on the same...
OK, it seems that somehow I did not upload the `makefile`? I have added `makefile` to my fork, which looks like added the `makefile` also here ... Well, I have...