Andrew Bromage
Andrew Bromage
Far too many ideas. Need more information to narrow it down. First off, please confirm that all the unit tests succeeded on this platform. Secondly, can you confirm that you...
Thanks for that. The information from ls also ruled out the old gzipped-file-is-an-exact-multiple-of-the-io-buffer-size issue that we found in a very old version of the gzip filter. I suspect it's the...
I just got back from holidays. Picking this up again.
Just as an update, this is turning out to be a very nasty problem caused by a mismatch between two different threading models. We decided that for the open source...
Hi. GCC 4.8 is unsupported by the GCC team, and has been for five years. This is a known problem with older GCCs and Boost. There are several known workarounds,...
Sorry about this. Given that the current version of Xenome doesn't actually work (due to threading bug) do you still want a tagged release anyway?
@weihongqi What compiler did this occur with? If there's some cmake magic required to force that compiler to be C++11 compatible, then we should check that in.
First step is to implement a statically-linked target. Happy to do that, but it probably won't get done before Christmas.
That is precisely the issue I had building on Ubuntu 14. The default boost is build with the old (pre-C++11) ABI.
No, that won't be an issue. The problem is the C++ ABI, which only affects C++ libraries, which libc is not.