
Results 8 comments of Degubi

I think this should be fixed by #27

Hi! I created a pr for loading .mtl files for .obj files. The extension tries from now on will try to load a .mtl file with the same name as...

Hi! I created a pr with some changes regarding background handling. The details are in #25 This pr also makes it possible to disable the background image using the 'none'...

Hi! As far as I know .ply files are already supported. I downloaded the 'apple.ply' example file from and it looks like this: ![image]( It appears that the format...

Yeah. After seeing the discussion in #9005 I decided to modify OrbitControls for myself. IMO it might be worth to reconsider it tho, because so many people have asked for...

Has anyone figured this one out? I'm trying to do basically the same, but with functions: ```javascript // I currently have this to avoid the error 'Property 'myFun' does not...

The test is failing in test/cameras/camera-cinematic.ts. It looks like it calls intersectObjects like this: ```ts const intersects = raycaster.intersectObjects(scene.children); ``` scene.children has the type THREE.Object3D[], which should give us back...

Hi! Sorry, I couldn't figure out how to show the error on The following code ```ts import { Raycaster, Mesh } from 'three'; const raycaster = new Raycaster(); const...