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Summary of important and necessary changes
This issue is a summary of all the necessary changes in this project:
- Microsoft login compatibility is necessary because Mojang login no longer works. - (Mentioned in issue #16)
- Support for Minecraft version 1.19 and above. - (Mentioned in issue #15)
- The Bug with “ReadTimeoutException” needs to be fixed. - (Mentioned in issue #21)
- Inventory handling for Minecraft versions above 1.16 is needed.
Why do I make this summary? Because all these changes are absolutely necessary to get the “core” of the project working again. (Microsoft login, because 90% of servers are online-mode servers. Support for MC version 1.19 and above, because many many servers already updated to 1.19.2 and can't be joinend with the current version of AMC. The “ReadTimeoutException” bug needs to be fixed, because it prevents joining on some servers or disconnects you really fast. And inventory handling is definitely needed for the most servers, because many servers only have an inventory-like GUI to switch lobbies or server instances, so you have to be able to click items inside the inventory to be able to use the server.)
And the client-side commands API (Mentioned in issue #14) would be nice too.^^
Could you also announce some kind of estimation on how long it will take until all these changes are made and the new version of AMC is released? I could even support the project financially a little bit if needed, but I don't like the sponsoring feature of GitHub, because it needs all the personal data from you. But maybe a gift-card-code for Apple, Google PlayStore, Netflix, Spotify or something like that would be possible, because those are anonymous. :D
Well described my friend all of those changes are essential
Thank you very much for the summary. I am aware that many additional features are needed to make AMCC still functional these days, but unfortunately I don't have enough time to keep up with the latest versions anymore. I will probably return to this project in the (hopefully not so distant) future and add any features necessary.
Thank you for interest in my project though!
I've started working on improving the AMCC. #24 contains the list of changes i will try to add. The 1.19.2 version is already inclued in the latest release, and I will implement the 1.19.3 version somewhere along the way. As for the #21 error I wasn't able to reproduce it on any server and on any version, so I will just assume it was some kind of server-specific error.
- Microsoft authentication is finally included in the latest release, although it requires some testing. It's not available for versions 1.19.x yet.