
Results 6 comments of zhangshuai

> 我也遇到了这个问题,请问解决了吗? 兄弟,目前我也没解决这个问题😂。我猜可能是数据集太大了,要是能缩小数据集估计能解决,但我不知道咋缩小


你好,请问如何缩小epoch呢?我在train.py中将--n_epochs改为1,为啥运行的时候还是这么大呢? Epoch: [1709/2195633] 0%| , loss=0.0528, lr=5e-5 [01:48

Thank you for you reply, I have run it successfully. But now I have new question, because I just want to run it successfully and finish the train process as...

> I have solved this problem by the follwing steps: pip install wandb. And add import wandb in train.py