Exact copied to clipboard
An open source online platform for collaborative image labeling of almost everything
In the current (and the currently deployed version on exact.cs.fau.de) version, the scale bar does not show up any more for non-WSI images. Demo Example: https://exact.cs.fau.de/annotations/297/
Hello Christian, I think I found a small bug in the annotations verification. Sometimes when I click verify on an image to complete my annotation, it is not saved. If...
Currently there are issues when a dataset is created, where the images are references to existing images that are already on the EXACT server. The current solution is to copy...
For optimal handling of the planned DetailViewer, it would be great to - be able to de-/activate it with a Keyboard-Shortcut **OR** a button in the taskbar (you could use...
The thickness of lines can be changed through the stroke slider, but resets when the image is moved, even without changing the zoom level.
Correct behaviour: Open "Home"-Page Click on "Administration", "My Teams", "My Profile" --> The dropdown menu is displayed Expected to work on any other page as well: Open "Explore"-Page, "Administration", "My...
When switching to "full page" (fullscreen) mode using the beveled round "Toggle full page" button, it is no longer possible to add annotations, even when "c" is pressed on the...
Thanks for your improvement on this collaborative online platform project. We find it very useful after a few days of trial on the platform. However, we believe that if you...
exact-browser-sync.js - Display the segmentation images list. - Split the segmentation overlay and registration handlers. exact-overlay-opacity.js - Event handlers related to the segmentation overlay. annotate.html - Include the newly added...
Hi Christian, the docker build does not work, there seem to be version missmatches. How could that be fixed? I guess it is super easy :) 3.319 ERROR: Could not...