
Results 4 issues of Dennias

* API * Query * query_string * highlighting * Aggregation * date_range * Param: * Query * GLOBAL: from * Should: minimum_should_match * Aggregation: * Terms: min_doc_count, size

- When submit a python spark job using the command: `spark-submit --master spark:// --deploy-mode client --packages com.stratio.datasource:spark-mongodb_2.11:0.12.0 sqls/spark_mgdb_sql/` - Error occurs: # [ERROR] [10/08/2016 16:41:35.993] [] [akka://mongodbClientFactory/user/mongoConnectionActor] host and port...

[ERROR] [10/08/2016 16:41:35.993] [] [akka://mongodbClientFactory/user/mongoConnectionActor] host and port should be specified in host:port format com.mongodb.MongoException: host and port should be specified in host:port format at com.mongodb.ServerAddress.( at com.mongodb.ServerAddress.( at$stratio$datasource$mongodb$client$MongodbClientActor$$doGetClient(MongodbClientActor.scala:108)...

As title said, examples show me the code that loading a whole data set from the mongodb collection: `, database=db, collection=col).load()` But I don't need the whole set and what...