How many? Or should this just be a server option (1 = lose items on death, 2 = keep items on death)
Any other name ideas for such an item?
Yes, let's call it the ORLY. Oh really, you thought I was dead huh!
Ok, so I've thought about this and I don't like the idea of this being an item. It's too confusing. People will pick it up, drop it, think about it,...
How can something like this be done if points do not exist? The future of Battle City might not have points if we are ever to exist in a multi-server...
I will never myself code in a points-based newbie bonus =p It's only asking for trouble and abuse. What's the actual problem here? Newbies die to fast? Would extra health...
The downside... when you orb someone, they will be able to attack you again almost instantly. If you've taken damage, you might not have much time to rebuild!
I think we definitely need to save defense placement with city designs. However, after an intense battle, both cities often sustain a lot of damage. It's not fair if the...
Any suggestions for the best way to do this? Should the current scores simply be overwritten, or should we have pre-reset score, post-reset score, combined total? Is everyone okay with...
I don't want to reset peoples scores. Doing as you suggest would erase all points I've earned since November 2007 because I had a higher rank before the reset. I'd...