
Results 17 issues of Rain

Hi, Thanks for your great work! I want to know whether the model can be trained without regions. In other words, I have caption and image only without any bbox...

您好! 看了您的项目收获很大,非常感谢!请问您数据预处理部分有开源吗?我在尝试跑的时候发现 train.json 应该是处理过的,而且有些属性是原数据集中没有的。请问方便分享吗? 多谢了!

tf 目录里训练完模型之后运行 pred 报错 KeyError: "The name 'dropout_keep_prob:0' refers to a Tensor which does not exist. The operation, 'dropout_keep_prob', does not exist in the graph." 以及开始导入的是 from demo.train import FLAGS...

Hi! When I use examples.py for lannguage translation, an error occured in 'def len_filter' if I use all trainning datasets. But when I use part of trainning datasets, it works...

fixed in develop

您好! 请问 options.json 里面的 261 改成 262 是什么原因?我看第五步 输出word embedding到hdf5文件 `usage_token.py` 好像没有用到这个 options.json 文件 多谢了!

Hi, I want to know whether the code below is a general solution for continuous value, such as train_df[field_name] = [-8.9, -7.3, -2, -1.9, -0.1, 0.6, 2, 3, 8.8, 12.8]....


您好! 请问预测和提交部分的代码文件有吗? 多谢了!

您好! 请问您代码中的注释哪些模块是必需的呀?我看 demo 还有导入 augment 中被注释掉的模块. 您会更新一份精简版的代码吗? 多谢了!