
Results 15 issues of Zack

 这些我看你都是在xml里写好的,我textView.setText("")后就只是这串字符了,反正xml中又是正常的,请问有怎么办法可以在代码里设置?

> allprojects { > repositories { > jcenter() > maven { url "" } > } missing “}”

用这个类后,我估计造成了一次crash,结果输出了三个文件,里面内容一样,就是文件名的时间戳不一样。大家有遇到相同的问题吗? 测试机:华为Mate8

I'm not very good at python. What errors have I encountered and how should I run it



### Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. Do you have plans to create a complete web client? Now it seems that the web only supports downloading...

### Description(required) ### App Version(required) ### OS Version(required) ### Snapshots ### Log Can‘t install apk file in Android。

可以对文件夹和文件名按照顺序加个001-002-003的前缀吗? 因为网络原图不能看在线的,只能clone下来后看,但是很难找文章的前后顺序