
Results 7 comments of Letme

I have the same problem,when I use smooth,Cannot roll to specified position

Roll inside the container,The height of the container is fixed, and the page will scroll automatically after loading

you can see this,https://codesandbox.io/s/container-forked-c3kse?file=/src/index.js

涨姿势了,数组的push 方法根据 length 属性来决定从哪里开始插入给定的值以及判断伪数组的方法: function isArrayLike(obj) { if (!obj || typeof obj !== 'object') return false; try { if (typeof obj.splice === 'function') { const len = obj.length; return typeof...


var merge = function(nums1,m,mums2,n){ nums1.splice(m,nums.length-m,...nums2); nums1.sort((a,b)=>a-b} return nums1 }