Add HTTP-Header to every request to clearly identify the tool maybe: ``` x-idt-version: 1.2.2 x-idt-website: https://iliasdownloadertool.de ```
- javafx not bundled with JDK 11 --> add as dependency - upgrade to JDK 11 - [ ] maven - [ ] javafx - [ ] packaging - [...
- [ ] limit download requests to 10 per minute - [ ] add an option in the settings to modify this value - [ ] check HEAD requets for...
- [x] PDF - [ ] ZIP - [ ] TXT - [ ] JPG/PNG/... - [ ] PPT - [ ] DOC - [ ] ...
> Ich würde mich sehr über einen Ilias-Downloader für die Uni Marburg freuen! > > XXXXX XXXXXX > > Von Samsung-Tablet gesendet