> It's not difficult. The only problem is the dictionary. Because my first language is Chinese, there is only one Chinese-English dictionary(Youdao dictionary) in this plugin. > > I'm not...
> @DawnEveTiger 现在有道里面的柯林斯部分以及剑桥词典,其实都有英英释义。或者说英英词典是指必须只有英语的词典吗。 > > 我感觉只看英文释义描述有时候和猜谜一样,还要费劲猜单词的意思。比如`dam`,英文释义是_a wall built across a river that stops the river's flow and collects the water, especially to make a reservoir (= an artificial lake) that...
> 自定义词典库,是指什么呢,是指某种格式的词典文件,还是其他的数据来源之类的?有没有具体的例子? 比较常用的格式有mdx,mdd;[掌上百科](https://www.pdawiki.com/forum/)论坛有现成的词典文件和相关问题解答