@zoooo0820 Is it possible for you to share your model so that we can reproduce the issue at our end? Any reproducible toy model would also work.
@kossnick Can you please try converting the model using the change in PR https://github.com/onnx/onnx-coreml/pull/524 ?
Seems like the error message for type mismatch of input tensors is not very descriptive. @quangphap208 @JialeHu Which models are you hitting this error on? Since type mismatch can happen...
@huangguanbin Can you please re-convert your model after incorporating this following change? Replace this line ` strides = inputs[2]` in https://github.com/apple/coremltools/blob/e87f1d0d6ca1dc9cd812f14f777ead0bba70bf43/coremltools/converters/mil/frontend/torch/ops.py#L1421 with following code snippet ``` strides = inputs[2] if...
Since this issue is not related to ONNX. For PyTorch related issues in the future, please use `coremltools` repository https://github.com/apple/coremltools.
@huangguanbin This PR https://github.com/apple/coremltools/pull/769 fixes the reported issue. Please verify if it solves your problem.
Is your model of type `neural network` or `mlprogram`? For `neural network` model type, compute on both GPU and NE, happens in FP16 only. For `mlprogram` model type, while the...
>Could not import fairseq2 modules. Seems an issue with the executorch setup.
@antmikinka Is the issue resolved? If not, can you please summarize what else is needed? Thanks.