David Port Louis
David Port Louis
am I missing something ? This blog [ASUS RoG Zephyrus GA502DU Installation and Configuration Guide!](https://archived.forum.manjaro.org/t/asus-rog-zephyrus-ga502du-installation-and-configuration-guide-updated-information-7-22-2020/118392) states that fanmode works in ROG on Linux Kernel 5.6 (patched) Mine is 5.11, could...
I just reinstalled OS in my laptop due to some nvidia driver issue. Give me a couple of days I'll reconfigure everything and post the output of ```dmesg```.
@zoq I would like to work on this
@zoq, you can assign @Wansh619 on this issue, I'll follow up with it later on.
> But please someone give me resources to solve this issue Take a look at comments in PR #3185. My understanding is that we cannot simply bump C++ version to...
> I like the idea, but maybe we should put this in a different repository? I don't think they fit in the base repository. There are some Dockerfiles in the...
Hi, Is some one working on adding the missing codecs ?