Hello everyone ! I find this feature incredibly interesting and useful especially in vision to upload the ardupilot.abin firmware with MAVFTP to the SD card and then upload the new...
Hello @tridge @peterbarker . I would like to congratulate Peter and all the developers who dedicate patience . I would like to ask a question , I have tried all...
> I think this could be useful for OTA (over the air) updates. Really interesting ! I too was just thinking that this feature has the potential to become a...
> > 2 min isn't that long. I won't be much surprised considering that MAVFTP don't have priority over the other tasks > > I think the key bottleneck (compared...
@peterbarker @tridge An excellent job , and I confirm that it works perfectly . But for a future inclusion in the official firmware ardupilot I would propose the creation of...
Hi ! What version of esp32-wroom have you use when you compiled this new support for the esp32 ? Thanks !
> ESP32-WROOM-32UE Thank you for the kindness .The specifications of this esp32wroom32eu please confirm me that they are these following ? : Xtensa® dualcore 32bit LX6 microprocessor
Thanks !
Hi , yes thanks I was able to merge with my branch and compile , but first I had to merge with the updated version of mavesp8266 from the ardupilot...
> What’s in the Ardupilot branch ? > I based mine off of Gus’s work, which is the original work; I guess ardupilot guys forked theirs and made mods? >...