Yangyang Zhu
Yangyang Zhu
I have installed `universal-ctags` and the instantiate module works correctly. But when trys to go to the definition of a module, it reports 'NO defination found for xxx'. I have...
I recommand another extension:https://github.com/Nitcloud/Digital-IDE
It seems that i get the same error in my metals' log: ```shell 2024.03.12 21:49:14 INFO running '/home/zhuyangyang/project/ysyx-workbench/ysyxSoC/rocket-chip/.metals/millw --mill-version 0.11.7 --import ivy:com.lihaoyi::mill-contrib-bloop: mill.contrib.bloop.Bloop/install'[0m 2024.03.12 21:49:18 INFO [info] compiling 4 Scala...
I solve this problem by install [rocket-tools](https://github.com/chipsalliance/rocket-tools) and set the `$RISCV` environment variable, and before you compile the codes, maybe you should see [this isuue](https://github.com/chipsalliance/rocket-tools/issues/85) first, the compilation maybe takes...
I think it should remind people in the README to set these env vars properly.
goto `dependencies/cde/build.sc` line 7, modify : ``` scala // import $ivy.`de.tototec::de.tobiasroeser.mill.vcs.version::0.3.0` import $ivy.`de.tototec::de.tobiasroeser.mill.vcs.version::0.4.0` ```
After a painful examination, I find there is a value named `lazymodule` in the `object playground` of `build.sc`. and Its initial value is `freechips.rocketchip.system.ExampleRocketSystem`. I modify the value to the...
I run ```shell ./mill.sh resolve playground._ ``` and get ```cpp Could not start a Mill server process. This could be caused by too many already running Mill instances or by...
Thank for your soulution.