David Sporer
David Sporer
> Note: This implementation will lead to the resource being imported into the storage, be marked for persistence, then on validation error be removed from persistence UoW and deleted from...
Same thing for me. I guess this must be caused by some dependency since the package itself hasn't changed, right?
No it has changed: https://github.com/antonioribeiro/countries/commit/d6ccd36e4e983d0b7142a151d7ad5c544070943b And it also sounds like this is most likely the problem.
Problem is that in ia-str the function camel_case has been removed (this commit: https://github.com/antonioribeiro/ia-str/commit/cc6c232da986f7e808b7dee48bf0e3b75bc349eb#diff-07f5c0ef2af42d2ee5412a1d79c49eac). Looks like this is related to the upgrade to Laravel 6 but the dependency from 0.6.0...
@karser sure but shouldn't "pragmarx/countries": "^0.5" require the correct versions of the dependencies? Right now if you run composer upgrade everything breaks with 0.5.x but I think it should require...
> Sorry for this mess. Would you please check it now? It seems to be working. I think the error that biopowder mentioned is unrelated to this issue.
We're using GrapesJs as our email editor for [Passcreator](https://www.passcreator.com). Most changes were simply styling and a couple of changes regarding to the column blocks of emails. We still need to...
I'm getting exactly the same error as @whitecolor
In case it helps: we've tried this today and it works like a charm :-) Speeds up updating a large index (in this case 1.4 million records) by a factor...