
Results 4 issues of DQ23

Error: This model is not supported, because 1 ops are not supported on 'x86'. These unsupported ops are: 'matmul_v2'.

---------------------- Error Message Summary: ---------------------- InvalidArgumentError: The shape Op's Input Variable `Input` contains uninitialized Tensor. [Hint: Expected t->IsInitialized() == true, but received t->IsInitialized():0 != true:1.] (at C:\home\workspace\Paddle_release\paddle\fluid\framework\operator.cc:2004)


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I have meet a problem when I run the code ''./build_release/mvfcn.bin --skip-testing --do-only-rendering --train-meshes-path /home/qiuchao/Codes/labeled_meshes/PSB_COSEG_MESHES/cosegGoblets --pretraining-batch-splits 4'' ![default](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/15049009/32775850-977af480-c96b-11e7-976d-53837463a0ca.png)