David Nix
David Nix
Strangelove would like to piggy back on this issue. We are seeing similar problems with our Evmos RPC nodes. They often fall behind. However, the tendermint RPC `/status` endpoint reports...
As I mentioned before, restarting the node reports accurate `/status` and allows it to catch up. We're building mitigation steps into https://github.com/strangelove-ventures/cosmos-operator which we use for all our RPC deployments....
We've always had luck with [Polkachu](https://www.polkachu.com/tendermint_snapshots/evmos) snapshots.
We built a feature into the [Cosmos Operator](https://github.com/strangelove-ventures/cosmos-operator) to detect height lag and restart pods if they fall too far behind. We've found Injective also lags behind as well. Of...
One additional question, is there ever a risk of missing a block? E.g. Waiting too long?