David Nix
David Nix
All great options. I'm not sure on implementation details yet. There may be additional problems like the ability to ensure steps are idempotent (like creating channels) and/or the ability to...
This request is specific only to tendermint-based chains. I feel we need to further discuss the inclusion of tendermint/cosmos vs other chains. I think it warrants a refactor to break...
From cian on ibc-go team: ah when using a custom chain I get ``` === RUN TestConformance reporter.go:226: Error Trace: test.go:262 Error: Received unexpected error: failed to build chain config...
Given short term feedback, it seems there is more appetite to use as a library vs. the JSON matrix file. I wonder if there are simplifications we can make to...
I like the idea of extending `ibc.User` with it. Given my forthcoming OOO starting tomorrow, I will ask @boojamya (our PM) to consider prioritizing this one.
We may need to expose ways to get the relayer address. Per ibc-go team: > I wanted to to do some assertions on relayer accounts. I didn't see a way...
Confirmed this is still under active development in ibc-go team.
Relates to https://github.com/strangelove-ventures/ibctest/pull/302 The sqlitedb hasn't been tuned or was initially designed for a high number of concurrent writers. We think the migrations on the same db file may be...
The data race isn't with closing the channel. IIRC, it's with a struct field that holds a reference to a custom `context.Context`. I'll try to reproduce it in a few...