David Metcalfe

Results 5 comments of David Metcalfe

The script does make it into the Other Bookmarks area. Do a search for the bookmark/folder names contained within. You should find everything in the output `.html`. What I am...

Looks like newer versions of Windows 10 have changed the file location since I wrote this script. Seems like the newest versions refer to `landscapeImage` instead of `LandscapeAssetPath` and store...

What happened to building from a local system to enable M1 support? This is still not fixed as of v0.9.1

@ptpt The `xattr -c` step works, but why isn't it incorporated into the tool as an automated step? Can it only be done manually by the user? If so, this...

@crankin12864 It has little to do with your crypto and more to do with device discoverability and file sharing. https://www.howtogeek.com/245982/whats-the-difference-between-private-and-public-networks-in-windows/