Any progress on this item? I notice that PartitionKey is also ignored when specifiying a SqlQuery. e.g. ```c# [FunctionName("GetTaskAssignment")] public static async Task Run( [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, "get", Route = "task-assignments/{id}")] HttpRequest...
Thanks @adamrodger, that makes some sense. I wasn't expecting the factory to be awaited immediately. The way `WithContentAsync` is currently implemented, it cannot work with provider state. It would need...
> I'm not sure that's the case. Given the method is called and awaited immediately then the value must be available at that point: @adamrodger that's the point. The method...
This still doesn't explain why the POST to the provider state url is made before the factory runs in a synchronous scenario, but runs after in an async scenario. Perhaps...
Hi @mefellows Is it possible to update the documentation to show a working example of a messaging pact provider test using a state provider and `WithContentAsync()`? This is my latest...
> would you be interested in submitting a pull request for this feature req? @YOU54F Thanks for the reply and the hint. I'd love to submit a PR, but I'm...
I tried `Developer: Reload Window` again and the problem seems to have gone away for now.