David Bonet

Results 17 comments of David Bonet

For now I'm using this in my .profile (ubuntu 16.10) `export RUST_SRC_PATH="$(rustc --print sysroot)/lib/rustlib/src/rust"`

Hi! This is something I will explore. Right now I'm updating the internals (no api change hopefully) so it is more flexible. If I find the way to make this...

Just as a note: https://github.com/DavidBM/acteur-rs/issues/1#issuecomment-1005160614

Hey @Cloud33! Thanks for the feedback and encouraging! I'm not having free time to work on this, so I don't know how much I can commit to do anything tbh....

How is this issue? Any indication how to find the information? I will research, if I figure out how to install I will post here. Update: Wiki -> https://meneame.wikispaces.com/Installation

We found that the rate for `USD -> GBP` is not the same as the rate for `GBP -> USD` in the real world exchanges (example: currencylayer.com). If the crate...

What is the status of this feature? We are using the Pro plan in Apiary.io and we need this feature

Hi, thanks! Yeah, but then you can't edit the documents in apiary.io We already had the customized solution with Hercule, but the point of paying apiary pro for us is...

I would personally suggest: - Integration with Rustup. Check all the channels you have installed - Correct code return (0/1) when it fails for CI - Option to autoupdate or...