I'm running MacOS 10.15.7 on a MacBook Pro (16-inch, 2019), and compiling with Rust 1.52.0. I first observed that in my `iced` application, in a scrollable, where the scrollable content...
It would be wonderful if one could use the master versions of both `iced` and `iced_aw`. As best I can tell, this is not currently possible, because `iced_aw` uses the...
Hi -- this crate is really cool!! I tested an example ``` digraph G { node [width=0.13,height=0.13,fontsize=10,shape=point]; edge [fontsize=18,penwidth=1.3,arrowsize=1.3,fontname=Arial]; rankdir=LR; labeljust=l; margin=0; 15 -> 10 [minlen=2,color=red,label="0 (len=173,supp=807)"]; 5 -> 15...
This input ``` digraph G { node [width=0.13,height=0.13,fontsize=10,shape=point]; edge [fontsize=18,penwidth=1.3,arrowsize=1.3,fontname=Arial]; rankdir=LR; labeljust=l; margin=0; 10 -> 2 [minlen=1,color=black,label="0 (len=31,supp=56)"]; 11 -> 10 [minlen=2,color=red,label="1 (len=402,supp=496)"]; 10 -> 2 [minlen=1,color=black,label="2 (len=31,supp=20)"]; 0 ->...
This code: ``` use pprof::ProfilerGuard; static mut GUARD: Option
Thank you for writing this crate! I tried to use it, and got the message `InitFailed("3")`, with and without `sudo`. This is on an Apple M1 Pro running MacOS 13.0.1,...