I'm not sure if this issue should be closed, but coverart seems to work in Archlinux with the recent rhythmbox 3.4: http://pastebin.com/SYCcU3Bm (ignore the llyrics messages, they are related with...
rhythmbox-plugin-coverart-browser 2.1-1 and rhythmbox-plugin-coverart-search-providers 1.2-1. I keep a security copy of both compiled packages: [rhythmbox coverart (archlinux packages).zip](https://github.com/fossfreedom/coverart-browser/files/442876/rhythmbox.coverart.archlinux.packages.zip)
I'm writing only to confirm that rhythmbox coverart still works well in rhythmbox 3.4.1 in archlinux. I don't know what happens in other distros.
Email sent. Thanks.