David Maisonave

Results 10 comments of David Maisonave

Where did you get MCT from?

The finished compiled firmware file name is "**firmware.hex**", and it's store under a sub-folder which is under the following Marlin folder "**Marlin\\.pio\build**". For example, on my setup where I'm compiling...

FYI: On Windows 11 (**Home** or **Pro**) you can remove the need to click on [**Show More Options**] by modifying the registry via following command line: ```` reg.exe delete "HKCU\Software\Classes\CLSID\{86ca1aa0-34aa-4e8b-a509-50c905bae2a2}"...

This issue has gotten worse. Now I can't get the context menu to show up at all. Is there any update to address this issue?

I've created a new version of this program with the above changes: See following fork: https://github.com/David-Maisonave/PasteIntoFile Please feel free to pull the changes into the main.

The version of PasteIntoFile in [eltos/PasteIntoFile](https://github.com/eltos/PasteIntoFile), uses the shift key for the no-popup option. I rather that both versions have similar keyboard behavior, so I'm going to reverse the keys...

I updated the code to switch ctrl and shift functionality, but I couldn't figure out how to get the right mouse button logic to work, so I'll have to leave...

> I could not reproduce this problem by right-clicking on any file or folder on the desktop. Are you testing this on **Windows 11 Pro x64**? I can still reproduced...

Hold the press!!! :-) I finally figured out this issue, and I really should have figured it out when the version on the WinMerge About window did not match what...

I'm closing this issue since it's no longer reproducible with the old version fully uninstalled, and with [WinMerge-2.16.26-x64](https://github.com/WinMerge/winmerge/releases/download/v2.16.26/WinMerge-2.16.26-x64-Setup.exe) installed.