Results 35 issues of D.C

The lib is not available with jCenter, any solution sir ?

We just updated Xcode to the latest version and got: `Compiled module was created by a different version of the compiler; rebuild 'PermissionsSwiftUIMicrophone' and try again: `

possible bug

### Description: ### OAuth Provider? (Twitter, Github, ..): Twitter ### OAuth Version: - [x] Version 1 - [ ] Version 2 ### OS (Please fill the version) : - [x]...

``` WebImage(url: relation.imageUrl ?? URL(string: "")) .resizable() .placeholder(Image(systemName: "person.circle.fill")) .indicator(.activity(style: .large)) .transition(.fade(duration: 0.5)) .scaledToFit() .frame(maxWidth: UIDevice.isIPad ? 72 : 48, maxHeight: UIDevice.isIPad ? 72 : 48) .clipShape(Circle()) ``` The view...

Hello, Please add Swift Package Manager installation Thanks,

Thanks for the lib, when passing color scheme (light/dark mode) ``` .preferredBarAccentColor(Color.BackgroundColor) .preferredControlAccentColor(Color.TintColor) ``` The safariView colors wont update even when doing a new fresh launch

We are testing using the code snippets you provided ![Capture d’écran 2022-12-08 à 17 43 43](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/76634618/206491229-b9d9f725-f27e-4ac4-a770-f0c00e625aee.png) This is the result, Please enable us to to edit the strings, and colors...


On some devices with android 11 I got a null pointer exception : `Fatal Exception: java.lang.NullPointerException Attempt to read from field 'float android.graphics.RectF.left' on a null object reference keyboard_arrow_up `...