Results 32 comments of D.C

Hey Stkent, can you share me also the link ? your library is awesome, I tried to pass a custom dialog with the dialogProvider instance the parameter is a closure...

Any alternative library guys ? its seems the developer won't fix the issue

Hello Daniel, thanks for your answer, I already tried to see where is the problem from, believe me if I knew how to fix it I would pr , please...

When I got for example 50 items in a recycler, and select one, then scroll. I got 10 more products (items) selected.. when I bind the recycler I make the...

I want to share you a video of my project but it is private because still not released, maybe we can continue on TeamViewer so it's even better you see...

Oh by the way, I'm using a gridLayoutManager, maybe its related, can you try with it ? so there is 2/4 items visible at the same time

Thanks for the response, I got ``` Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'Cannot modify constraints for UITabBar managed by a controller' terminating with uncaught exception of type...

Any solution to this?


Amazing library sir, I was looking also for this, I need a Text badge under my view