Zhiyong(Johnny) Zhao

Results 4 comments of Zhiyong(Johnny) Zhao

@GcsSloop 博主大大,自定义 View 的教程真的很赞 👍 我想问一下就是这个在看 View 进阶教程的时候总觉得只是熟悉了,但一看很多大神的自定义 View 代码有时仍然很晕 😿 ,想问一下您之前是如何练习自定义 View 的呢?能否在教程后面附上一个小作业之类的吗? 🙏 希望不是很难但又只需要调用一两个函数就实现的那种(好像有点刁难了 😞 )

@DanielMao2015 Here is my code to generate the txt file. ```python import os import sys import random """Among 3834 images, we randomly select 100 non-makeup images and 250 makeup images...

@yql0612 They are not all black. If you open the image and have a look you will find that there are some grey segmentation labels.

@yql0612 I have opened your screenshot in a new tab and found it not all black. If you look carefully, you can find that there are some face segmentations, whose...