For me, most of the time it works (for local dev packages), but sometimes it does not. Re-indexing packages does not help. When I am "inside" my packge (e.g. one...
The same exception rises when called "breakpointed" function from within Juno. More specifically: "in RunDebugREPL at ASTInterperter\src\ASTInterpreter.jl:1565". This happens on Windows platform, Julia version is Julia Version 0.5.0 Commit 3c9d753...
Rust solves this problem in a different way. It allows not only 'tagged' structures (just like we have here with `subtypekey`), but also 'untagged': https://serde.rs/enum-representations.html. ``` There is no explicit...
I also stumbled over this. Example: ``` struct S x ::Float64 end msg = """{"x": "0.1"}""" obj = JSON3.read(msg, S, parsequoted = true) # does NOT throw obj = JSON3.read(msg,...