
Results 30 comments of DatLag

@skydoves This is still a problem. I tried to fix this and just couldn't find the reason why it works in your demo but not in my app. I discoverd...

@leinardi Any progress on this?

@jaredrummler Any news about that? [Calligraphy3](https://github.com/InflationX/Calligraphy) and [ViewPump](https://github.com/InflationX/ViewPump) basically set a standard font in all views, including dialogs, snack bars, etc. And you can set a different font in xml...

I did that using Kotlin: ```kotlin //Your statusBarColor method //depends if you doing this in Activity or Fragment fun Fragment.statusBarColor(@ColorInt color: Int) { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) { activity?.window?.addFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_DRAWS_SYSTEM_BAR_BACKGROUNDS) activity?.window?.statusBarColor...

As a workaround the noreflection version can be used with CreateMethod.INFLATE

@krutzzz I fixed a bunch of things but it's already 7months ago and I don't know what in detail. All I know is that in my fork (available on jitpack)...

@pedrovgs The workaround is not working on Android 11 because the system ignores the `requestLegacyExternalStorage` flag Information about **Scoped storage enforcement** can be found [here](https://developer.android.com/about/versions/11/privacy/storage#scoped-storage)

Any progress on this issue? Having the same Problem

As this project is (nearly) dead and hard to maintain because it relies on old android code, I created a new one [Klient2Klient](https://github.com/DATL4G/Klient2Klient) test this please instead I will create...

As this project is (nearly) dead and hard to maintain because it relies on old android code, I created a new one [Klient2Klient](https://github.com/DATL4G/Klient2Klient) test this please instead I will create...