
Results 10 issues of myl

TF_LAZYLOAD_OBJC_CUS(UIButton, gBtn4HideSelf, ^(UIButton *ins){ [ins setTitle:@"显示自我" forState:UIControlStateNormal]; [ins setTitleColor:[UIColor redColor] forState:UIControlStateNormal]; /** 下面方法不会被执行,即:rac不能在tf框架的懒加载中使用。 */ // [[ins rac_signalForControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside] subscribeNext:^(__kindof UIControl * _Nullable x) { // ins.selected = !ins.selected; // if(ins.selected){//正显示自我 //...

Dear developer, We have discovered one or more issues with your recent delivery for "xx". To process your delivery, the following issues must be corrected: Non-public API usage: The app...

现在宏定义为: /** * 懒加载属性,class 初始化方法为init,使用方法见github * @param __CLASS 属性类型 * @param __PROPERTY 属性定义值 * @param __BLOCK 一个返回属性 * @return 属性 */ #define TF_LAZYLOAD_OBJC_CUS(__CLASS,__PROPERTY,__BLOCK)\ TF_SYNTHESIZE(__PROPERTY);\ -(__CLASS *)__PROPERTY{\ if (!_##__PROPERTY)\ _##__PROPERTY =...


苹果邮件: We have discovered one or more issues with your recent delivery for "xxAPP". To process your delivery, the following issues must be corrected: Missing Info.plist key - This app...


当我的工程中没有这个ViewController.h头文件时,#import "ViewController.h"会报错,我在NSObject+TFExecute.m中 1.删除#import "ViewController.h" 2. objc_property_t *properties = class_copyPropertyList([ViewController class], &pCount);改为 objc_property_t *properties = class_copyPropertyList([UIViewController class], &pCount); 运行工程错误消失。 ps:大神,我这样做是否会影响本框架其他功能的正常使用,是否会附带产生隐藏bug?

my Action version is 4.2.0, when execute the following code, Xcode 14.2 throw the error: Generic parameter 'Type' could not be inferred, xx has no member 'init': `let action =...

when I put the following code in category or homeViewController, the app will crash: [UIFont st_hookClassMethod:@selector(systemFontOfSize:) option:(STOptionInstead) usingIdentifier:(@"myHook_fontWithSize") withBlock:^UIFont * (id params, CGFloat oldPara){ UIFont *oldRet; [params invokeAndGetOriginalRetValue:&oldRet]; CGFloat newSize...

hi,I found an error:extension error on macos, staruml4.1.6. help pls.