Dason Kurkiewicz

Results 18 issues of Dason Kurkiewicz

The "Bugs and Suggestions" section says: "Before submitting a bug, make sure to give a shot at the latest version of the plugin on the develop branch. For this, simply...

The Valentine's day update appears to break a lot of features in cookie-monster. - Store prices aren't being converted to user friendly amounts - Indicators of best buys via ROI/BCI...


I saw in the wiki the suggestion about making a [Pomodoro Playlist](https://github.com/simon-weber/Autoplaylists-for-Google-Music/wiki/Tips-and-Tricks#pomodoro-playlist) and I thought to myself that it might be easier and not too difficult to implement a limit...

Make a helper function that accepts a script and detects which functions have docstrings and converts them to fully roxygen compliant files so that when somebody wants to convert their...


Write a shim or something to add the ability to call `example` on docstring'd functions.


Add support to display docstrings in the visual studio R Help pane. Not sure how to do that at the moment.


https://github.com/Dasonk/docstring/blob/master/R/docstring.R#L101 Right now the 'package' associated with docstrings is called "TempPackage". I think naming it something like "UserDocumentation" or "docstringGenerated"

The console_pager was created for use with vignettes but it could be useful elsewhere. Add an option to have help output to the console. Clean up after self so that...


Tests are really important and especially for something like this where I might want to play around with the internals it would be good to have some unit testing. Now...


https://github.com/RevolutionAnalytics/checkpoint We already have a way to install certain versions. Specifying a date and installing those versions using checkpoint (which we could add to suggests?) might be useful for some...