Alain Galas
Alain Galas
Like @james-s-tayler said, I update a project from 3.1 to 5.0 few days ago and i had to change some [JsonProperty("property")] from Newtonsoft to [JsonPropertyName("property")] from System.Text.Json.Serialization that was on...
@MuddyChrisA which lib are you using for body serialization ?
@MuddyChrisA and have you tried with System.Text.Json which is the default serializer in refit V6 ? when we upgrade to V6 qe got some errors with [JsonProperty("property")] from Newtonsoft because...
I don't know how you can do that with RestService.For syntaxe. Here an example with dependency injection : ```csharp services.AddRefitClient().ConfigureHttpClient(c => { c.DefaultRequestVersion = new Version(2, 0); c.BaseAddress = new...