Hello. After some investigations regarding server crashes I discovered that the RequestFrame handles are not freed on map change. For example, if I use it inside the client_disconnected public forward...
Hello. It would be cool if the pfnPrecache forwards could be added to ReAPI. I'm using fakemeta on a plugin to block precaching some game resources (that are taking up...
Hello, it seems that the rh_emit_sound2 native is broken. I wrote a plugin example that I tested on TFC. Didn't test in other mods, but since it's broken on Team...
Please add vector support to Orpheu. This will eliminate the need to use Okapi or Rage. Thanks :-)
Hello, Would it be possible to fix the menu overlapping bug? https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2249046564294987547/BB24CE318C509C7C9C5A09023D13AB8CD09F4098/ I've attached a link to a picture that shows what I'm talking about. Also, would it be possible...
Hello, After the new TFC update, there are some custom-made maps by the TFC community where users will crash in certaion sections. One example that I can think of is...
Hello again, After the anniversary update, some functions were inlined on HL, TFC and probably CS. Would it be possible to have the gamedll recompiled without inlining the functions? I...