Any other options how to unpack .iss from installers by Inno Setup ?
The same problem
The same problem It is unclear which Retry-After period
> looks like the `*.mo` files were not compiled when docker container was launched. try compile locales with a separate command like: > > ```shell > python -m pybabel compile...
But if you manually enter the command from the docker runner `pybabel compile -d bot/locales`, then everything is ok. ``` /usr/src/app $ pybabel compile -d bot/locales compiling catalog bot/locales/en/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po to...
It is strange that literally the same command from the docker runner, but entered manually, fixed the localization error. But now there is another error related to the absence of...
> the problem with the missing table is due to the fact that you did not perform the migration > > ```shell > docker compose exec bot alembic upgrade head...
> also, after starting the bot container, check whether the required package is installed using the command `pip freeze`: > > ```shell > pip freeze | grep Babel > ```...
> are you sure that you have set amplitude api key in your `.env` file? Of the `.env` data, I have specified only the API token of the bot. I...
> just don’t use analytics if you don't need it, but if you need it, you need to set API Key Understood, thanks. Now another error. This time related to...