Kindly have a look. Above scenario is working fine: - If TestNG 6.14.3 is used - Or if parallel="tests" is used with TestNG 7.4.0
It is not duplicate as in #2372 we are talking about dependency only but in this we have dependency & priority both.
I checked with eclipse only taking testng 7.4 jar as an external jar. Along with it, tested using our Automation f/w code which is based on Gradle.
Hi @krmahadevan , Eclipse plugin was not used in this execution. I updated my previous comment. "I checked with eclipse only taking testng 7.4 jar as an external jar. Along...
Kindly let me know when I can expect the fix.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts but TestNG 6.14.3 is working fine and execution order is as expected. If the principal of hard & soft dependencies is same then why result...